Youth News

Happy New Year, friends!

With a new year there are new adventures ahead! Below I have listed some details of things to come with Youth Sunday, Sunday School, Confirmation, and our summer Mission Trip. You should have also received a newsletter in the mail.

YOUTH SUNDAY - Feb. 5th - (This is a change from the original Jan. 29th date)

Many of you will be surprised to hear we are already talking about Youth Sunday. We have decided to move this special worship service to a less crazy part of the year. Traditionally we have had youth Sunday in May but with the end of school it is just not ideal for our students' schedules. Students will serve as readers, choir, seniors share their testimony, and more...We will have 2 services at 9a & 11a so we can have as many of our students participate as possible.

SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages begins Feb 12th. We will all gather in the Fellowship Hall at 10am. There will be break-out classes for adults, youth, and elementary age children.

CONFIRMATION Classes for adults and youth will begin Feb 5th. If your child is 8th grade or older and is interested in becoming a member of the church we would love for them to participate.

SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER - Feb 21 from 5-7pm - This year our pancake supper falls during the FSD1 Winter Break. Because many of our students will be away we will have our pancake supper as a Parish Night. All students who are in town are invited to make and serve pancakes. We will also use this time, as a parish, to burn last years Palm Sunday ashes for this years Ash Wednesday services. Please bring your family to be a part of this special night if you’re in town.

SUMMER MISSION TRIP - July 16th-21st - Cooperhill, TN

I know many of you are thinking about summer plans so consider this…I would love your people to set out on and adventure to serve Jesus. This year we will work TeamEffort once again. Most likely our service will involve light construction and evangelism. Trip Cost: $450 More details to come.

St. John’s VBS will be June 5-9, 2023

Grace and Peace,

Charlotte Smith
Minister to Youth and Families


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